Cornhole is the ultimate outdoor sport for all ages and fitness levels! This fun game can be played outside in the summer and is perfect for all parties and get-togethers. Whether you're a newbie or a pro, our guide will give you all the tips and tricks you need to know when playing.
Cornhole boards and bags
Cornhole Boards : The first thing you should do is prepare for the game. You will need a few standard size cornhole boards: standard rectangular boards with sides measuring 2*4 feet, with a hole (6 inches in diameter) 9 inches from the back edge. The front of the board should be 12 inches high, while the back should be about 4 inches off the ground to provide the necessary slope.
Cornhole bags : Each team also needs eight throwing bags. The bags are usually 6 x 6 inches in size and filled with corn kernels or synthetic materials. The colors are different so that the teams can be distinguished. Usually each team has four throwing bags in one color and four in another.
Scoreboard (optional): A scoreboard is not necessary, but it can be helpful in tournaments to keep track of points.
Basic Rules for Cornhole
Standing and throwing
Cornhole is a great game that is a lot of fun! Although it looks easy at first glance, it requires a lot of skill and strategy. Hold the bag with your dominant hand and let it swing at your side. The arm movement is like bowling, while the wrist movement is like throwing a Frisbee - a great feeling! Release the bag at the right time to hit the hole.
Points scoring
Cornhole is a great team game that is ideally played with two or four players. With teams of four, each player takes turns throwing the bag (known as a single player). With two players, each player also takes turns.
Scoring is an exciting part of the game. Here's how it works:
3 points for a bag that falls through the hole in the board.
1 point for bag that lands on the board.
No points for bags that touch the ground.

Game rounds
Each player/team takes turns throwing four bags per round. Players can decide which side of the field they throw from, but they should alternate between sides each round.
Win game
Most games are played to a total score of 21 points, but to win the game a team must get a lead of at least 2 points. This means that if a player/team reaches 21 points and the opposing player/team reaches 20 points, play continues until one side is ahead by 2 or more points.
Some players prefer to decide in advance how many rounds they will play and how the winner will be determined. The winner is the player with the highest score.
Additional rules
Foot Foul : Players are not allowed to step past the front of the court when throwing. If the player throws over the line, the throw is considered a foul and no points are awarded.
Bags in play : If the bags touch the ground before they land on the board, the throws are invalid.
Order of play : Whoever scored in the previous round starts in the next round.
Tips and advice for playing cornhole
Knowing basic cornhole techniques is an important prerequisite for the next step - playing at an advanced level. Using the methods presented here, you can improve your score and impress your friends.
Practice the throw : We recommend optimizing your throwing technique to precisely control the distance and angle of the bean bags. Your goal should be a smooth arc throw.
Focus on placement : It is advisable to focus on placement rather than always aiming directly at the hole. This can create a blockade against your opponent's shots.
Watch your opponent : Pay close attention to how your opponent throws and adjust your strategy accordingly. If the player is able to sink the objects in the hole, it is advisable to block the throws.
Stay relaxed : It is important not to let the pressure situation affect you. Conscious and deep breathing combined with a calm posture can improve concentration and increase performance.
Where can I buy the high-quality cornhole boards?
Have you always wanted to play a round of cornhole or just want to play with friends and family ? Now is the perfect time!
With a set of Formula Sports - Cornhole Game you can now have real fun with friends and family! TheSPORT DEPOT TEAM is happy to help you if you need further information.